
class spectral_cube.MaskBase[source]

Bases: object

Methods Summary

exclude([data, wcs, view]) Return a boolean array indicating which values should be excluded.
include([data, wcs, view]) Return a boolean array indicating which values should be included.
quicklook(view[, wcs, filename, use_aplpy]) View a 2D slice of the mask, specified by view.

Methods Documentation

exclude(data=None, wcs=None, view=(), **kwargs)[source]

Return a boolean array indicating which values should be excluded.

If view is passed, only the sliced mask will be returned, which avoids having to load the whole mask in memory. Otherwise, the whole mask is returned in-memory.

kwargs are passed to _validate_wcs

include(data=None, wcs=None, view=(), **kwargs)[source]

Return a boolean array indicating which values should be included.

If view is passed, only the sliced mask will be returned, which avoids having to load the whole mask in memory. Otherwise, the whole mask is returned in-memory.

kwargs are passed to _validate_wcs

quicklook(view, wcs=None, filename=None, use_aplpy=True)[source]

View a 2D slice of the mask, specified by view.


view : tuple

Slicing to apply to the mask. Must return a 2D slice.

wcs : astropy.wcs.WCS, optional

WCS object to use in plotting the mask slice.

filename : str, optional

Filename of the output image. Enables saving of the plot.