Visualizing spectral cubes with yt ================================== Extracting yt objects --------------------- The :class:`~spectral_cube.SpectralCube` class includes a :meth:`~spectral_cube.SpectralCube.to_yt` method that makes is easy to return an object that can be used by `yt `_ to make volume renderings or other visualizations of the data. One common issue with volume rendering of spectral cubes is that you may not want pixels along the spectral axis to be given the same '3-d' size as positional pixels, so the :meth:`~spectral_cube.SpectralCube.to_yt` method includes a ``spectral_factor`` argument that can be used to compress or expand the spectral axis. The :meth:`~spectral_cube.SpectralCube.to_yt` method is used as follows:: >>> ytcube = cube.to_yt(spectral_factor=0.5) # doctest: +SKIP >>> ds = ytcube.dataset # doctest: +SKIP .. WARNING:: The API change in affects the interpretation of the 0-pixel. There may be a 1-pixel offset between the yt cube and the SpectralCube The ``ds`` object is then a yt object that can be used for rendering! By default the dataset is defined in pixel coordinates, going from ``0.5`` to ``n+0.5``, as would be the case in ds9, for example. Along the spectral axis, this range will be modified if ``spectral_factor`` does not equal unity. When working with datasets in yt, it may be useful to convert world coordinates to pixel coordinates, so that whenever you may have to input a position in yt (e.g., for slicing or volume rendering) you can get the pixel coordinate that corresponds to the desired world coordinate. For this purpose, the method :meth:`~spectral_cube.ytcube.ytCube.world2yt` is provided:: >>> import astropy.units as u >>> pix_coord = ytcube.world2yt([51.424522, ... 30.723611, ... 5205.18071], # units of deg, deg, m/s ... ) # doctest: +SKIP There is also a reverse method provided, :meth:`~spectral_cube.ytcube.ytCube.yt2world`:: >>> world_coord = ytcube.yt2world([ds.domain_center]) # doctest: +SKIP which in this case would return the world coordinates of the center of the dataset in yt. .. TODO: add a way to center it on a specific coordinate and return in world .. coordinate offset. .. note:: The :meth:`~spectral_cube.SpectralCube.to_yt` method and its associated coordinate methods are compatible with both yt v. 2.x and v. 3.0 and following, but use of version 3.0 or later is recommended due to substantial improvements in support for FITS data. For more information on how yt handles FITS datasets, see `the yt docs `_. Visualization example --------------------- This section shows an example of a rendering script that can be used to produce a 3-d isocontour visualization using an object returned by :meth:`~spectral_cube.SpectralCube.to_yt`:: import numpy as np from spectral_cube import SpectralCube from yt.mods import ColorTransferFunction, write_bitmap import astropy.units as u # Read in spectral cube cube ='L1448_13CO.fits', format='fits') # Extract the yt object from the SpectralCube instance ytcube = cube.to_yt(spectral_factor=0.75) ds = ytcube.dataset # Set the number of levels, the minimum and maximum level and the width # of the isocontours n_v = 10 vmin = 0.05 vmax = 4.0 dv = 0.02 # Set up color transfer function transfer = ColorTransferFunction((vmin, vmax)) transfer.add_layers(n_v, dv, colormap='RdBu_r') # Set up the camera parameters # Derive the pixel coordinate of the desired center # from the corresponding world coordinate center = ytcube.world2yt([51.424522, 30.723611, 5205.18071]) direction = np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]) width = 100. # pixels size = 1024 camera =, direction, width, size, transfer, fields=['flux']) # Take a snapshot and save to a file snapshot = camera.snapshot() write_bitmap(snapshot, 'cube_rendering.png', transpose=True) You can move the camera around; see the `yt camera docs `_. Movie Making ------------ There is a simple utility for quick movie making. The default movie is a rotation of the cube around one of the spatial axes, going from PP -> PV space and back.:: >>> cube = read('cube.fits', format='fits') # doctest: +SKIP >>> ytcube = cube.to_yt() # doctest: +SKIP >>> images = ytcube.quick_render_movie('outdir') # doctest: +SKIP The movie only does rotation, but it is a useful stepping-stone if you wish to learn how to use yt's rendering system. Example: .. raw:: html SketchFab Isosurface Contours ----------------------------- For data exploration, making movies can be tedious - it is difficult to control the camera and expensive to generate new renderings. Instead, creating a 'model' from the data and exporting that to SketchFab can be very useful. Only grayscale figures will be created with the quicklook code. You need an account on for this to work.:: >>> ytcube.quick_isocontour(title='GRS l=49 13CO 1 K contours', level=1.0) # doctest: +SKIP Here's an example: .. raw:: html

GRS l=49 13CO 1 K contours by keflavich on Sketchfab

You can also export locally to .ply and .obj files, which can be read by many programs (sketchfab, meshlab, blender). See the `yt page `_ for details.:: >>> ytcube.quick_isocontour(export_to='ply', filename='meshes.ply', level=1.0) # doctest: +SKIP >>> ytcube.quick_isocontour(export_to='obj', filename='meshes', level=1.0) # doctest: +SKIP